Tuesday, December 30, 2008

[Continuing post from Fire Fox Sakurie's TheOtaku World ]

So let's begin our New York journey, shall we~

Some pictures from when we first arrived at NYC. They're kinda pointless, but it's been a while since I've been back in the city. ^__^

now's where the fun begins~

Do you see the little ball at the top? And the "2009"?
A preview of where the New York New Years Countdown is taking place. ;3

I'm inside the 3 story Toystore and of course, there's always that
life-sized doll house right inside. XD

A Ferris Wheel too. My goodness.
(Oh! I see the Toys R' Us Giraffe XD )

Really, I can't get over how awesome that is. It even rawrs! XD

I just thought this looked pretty interesting. Giant Christmas Ornaments for fountain decoration~

Time for a lunch break! This was all I had since I wasn't very hungry.
......okay, 3 of them. (*loves red bean mochi*)

And then a little shopping at Macy's. ^_^ It's 7 stories tall!

We also visited the St. Patrick's Cathedral; oldest church in New York

The inside looked just as amazing (so sparkly~ >w< )

We're already in the car and on the way back to New Jersey. I recommand staying during the night though, the city lights above are amazing. (NOTE: Make sure not to crash into things in front of you XD)

Mr. Piggy waves goodbye. (....his eyes are kinda scary ono" )

A little bored on the drive back. Do you guys see the moon? Diagonal from it there's a little bright dot. That's Jupiter ^_^ (..or so my dad tells me)

That's it! I'll post more up after the New Years Party and the skii trip. ^___^ Oh! And remember that "Dear Friends" world of mine that posts up gifts for you guys? That's about to get updated real soon. ^__^

Since I won't be here, Happy New Year Everyone! Please don't forget to make your wish for 2009! -tackle hugs everyone-

-- アリス